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Victim Offender Mediation Association

VOMA Publications

We offer publications in HTML, the standard language of Web browsers, and in PDF, a format which preserves the document exactly like its printed counterpart allowing you to print out a duplicate original. For your browser to read PDF files you need to download and install the free Acrobat Reader version 4.x or newer (9.x is current) from Adobe. Older versions of Acrobat Reader do not work. Please inform VOMA's webmaster if you have difficulty with the PDF documents.

We have too many publications for one web page. Please follow the links to the type of publications you are seeking. Our search engine searches all publications at once. Please note that the views expressed in VOMA publications do not necessarily reflect the views of VOMA.


Articles by scholars and practitioners too long for Connections. Some of these articles reside on other servers and are linked here. Their links will open a new window on another web site.

VOMA Connections

VOMA's quarterly newsletter, and its predecessor from 1996 to 2006. One of the field's premier resources. Members received a print copy.

Justice Connections

A co-produced newsletter from NAFCM, PRASI, and VOMA beginning in summer 2006, with NAFCM dropping out after the first few issues.

Restorative Justice FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions on the subject of restorative justice. This FAQ has notes from a variety of practitioners and will continue to grow. Some areas are controversial and may have two articles with opposite views. Article titles with no article invite submission of articles for the FAQ.

VOMA Documents

Official documents of the VOMA Board. Ethics Guidelines, Strategic Plan, Conference archives . . . .

VOMA E-Mail Lists

We have two mailing lists. VOMA-Announce is a one-way list for official Board announcements. It is open to anyone and is the best way to stay up-to-date on VOMA happenings. VOMAlist is a members only discussion list. This is the place for members to engage one another about the issues they have in common in their victim offender work. Sign up for either of these lists by clicking the link below.

Last modified March 15, 2010. Maintained by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower.
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