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Victim Offender Mediation Association
Links to sites of interest to VOMA members
Academic Programs with Restorative Justice Components
North American Government Resources
VOMA Agency Members
- Barron County Restorative Justice Programs, Inc.
- Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview
- The Institute for Conflict Management Santa Ana, CA
- Lancaster Area Victim Offender Reconciliation Program
- Mediation Network of North Carolina
- www.resolutionsnorthwest.org Resolutions Northwest is the largest nonprofit mediation center in Oregon, offering substantial victim offender programs in Portland along with more general mediation services, programs, and training.
- Pennsylvania Office of the Victim Advocate
- Pittsburgh Mediation Center
- Restorative Justice Mediation Program (RJMP) (San Diego)
- Rhode Island Victim Offender Restoration Program
- Victim Offender Conferencing of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
- Victim Offender Mediation Project, Topeka, Kansas
- VORP of Boulder County (CO)
- Victim Offender Reconciliation Program of the Central Valley, Inc., Fresno, CA
- Including a word searchable archive of articles on restorative justice by Ron Claassen and others.
North American Organizations
- Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
- American Arbitration Association
- American Humane Association Family Group Decision-making web site
- Association for Conflict Resolution, the merged form of SPIDR, AFM and CRENet.
- Balanced and Restorative Justice Project
- Calgary Community Conferencing (Canada). Site includes court decisions on RJ.
- Campaign for Equity-Restorative Justice (CERJ)
- Center for Court Innovation
- College of Professional Mediation, Puerto Rico
- The Colorado Forum on Community and Restorative Justice exists to facilitate the understanding and implementation of restorative and community justice with the communities of Colorado and nationally.
- Colorado School Mediation Project
- Correctional Transition Services Inc. is based in the Twin Cities and offers comprehensive, evidence based programs that help restore the offender to the community.
- Mennonite Central Committee Canada restorative justice programs
- Community Justice Exchange funded by the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance, includes a searchable database of programs, interviews with practitioners, and profiles of community justice projects.
- Directory of California and Nevada Victim Offender Programs
- Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Initiative
- International Institute for Restorative Practices, Paul McCold's organization.
- Iowa Peace Institute
- Justice Fellowship
- The Justice & Reconciliation Project (JRP) a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing restoration, reconciliation and healing to crime victims and offenders.
- Mediation Information and Resource Center (Mediate.com)
- Mediation and Restorative Justice Centre Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Murder Victims' Families For Human Rights
- National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM)
- National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution (NCPCR)
- National Center for State Courts ADR Resources
- National Network of Violence Prevention Practitioners
- National Center for Victims of Crime
- Nonviolence Web
- Northwest Institute for Restorative Justice, Seattle, WA.
- Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center, San Mateo, CA.
- RealJustice
- Restorative Justice Online from Prison Fellowship International
- Restorative Justice Project of Fresno Pacific University. Restorative Justice Implementation, VORP Resource and Training Center. Help for those starting a new VOM program. Word searchable archive of RJ articles.
- The Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program (VORP) Information and Resource Center.
- Witness Justice committed to directly serving survivors of violent crime in the U.S.
Organizations outside North America
- Center for Community Justice, Puerto Rico
- Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (South Africa)
- Community Restorative Justice Ireland
- Danish Mediation (Dansk Mediation) - a non profit organisation
- Dispute Resolution Center (Nairobi, Kenya)
- European Forum for Restorative Justice One of VOMA's strategic partners. See their links page for many organizations outside North America with a victim-offender or restorative justice focus. They also have an interesting newsletter in English.
- Indigenous prisoner's in Australia's Northern Territory have developed a website that addresses issues of offending, substance use, culture, etc through art, music and stories.
- Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa. Searchable bibliography on RJ and truth and reconciliation commissions.
- International Victimology Web Site
- The Mediation Bureau, a not-for-profit agency at Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland, has launched a new self-service web site for people who need to find out discreetly and quickly about accessing mediation services.
- Mediation UK
- Nordic Forum for Mediation (NFM)- a non profit organisation, established in 1998 by mediators in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
- National Consultation on Basic Principles for Restorative Justice in Canada.
- Restorative Justice Consortium (UK)
- Restorative Justice Initiatives of Windsor and Essex County (ON, Canada)
- Servicebüro für Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich und Konfliktschlichtung (German language)
- Transforming Conflict - The National Centre for Restorative Approaches in Youth Settings UK
- South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- The Network Interaction for Conflict Resolution (Canada)
- United Kingdom Home Office restorative justice plan
- Victim-Offender Mediation in Norway (most of the site is in Norwegian)
- Western Australia Department of Justice
- Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
Informational Sites
Commercial Sites
If you would like to have your site listed here, email Webmaster. These links are provided for your convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by Victim Offender Mediation Association of the content or views of the linked materials.
Last modified March 18, 2014. Maintained by Webmaster.
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