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Victim Offender Mediation Association
VOMA Videography
Inclusion of works on this page does not represent endorsement by the Board of VOMA, but rather recognition that the work has been identified as valuable by people working in the field. If you have suggested additions, please send them to the Webmaster. If you are looking for a book, click this link or the one above for our Bibliography.
Forgiveness Video
- "Forgiveness" is a 28 min. documentary that explores this mediation
option from a psychological and philosophical perspective. Learn more
about "Forgiveness" by Mara Alper
We are all faced with the question of whether or not to forgive many times in our lives. This documentary examines a psychological and philosophical approach to the dilemma. We can choose to forgive not because we ought to, but because it will help us heal. This possibility for profound healing is told through four powerful stories from a prisoner, a recovering alcoholic, a grieving mother and a renowned world leader, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Each one portrays different aspects of forgiveness after suffering a loss -- loss of innocence, trust, life or liberty. They tell us how they moved on with their lives instead of staying locked in anger. As Tutu says, "I forgive you, whether you want to be forgiven or not. You are not going to forever make me a victim."
The documentary is designed to foster discussion in diverse populations in the hope of expanding conflict resolution options. This thought provoking program is for anyone who has been hurt, but has not yet healed. It has been used successfully in classrooms, community centers, prisons, mental health centers, alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs, alternatives to incarceration programs, campus ministry programs and by therapists, psychologists and in spiritual healing practices.
Principal Credits: Mara Alper, Director/Producer/Editor; Eli Clarke, Director of Photography; Robert Enright, Ph.D., Psychologist/Consultant; Robert Chapman, Ph.D. Psychologist/Consultant
Mediation Video
- "Sorting things out! - the mediation method" (25 minutes) This Danish video of a mediation between two high school students after a fight on the basketball court demonstrates a common method of interpersonal mediation. The dialogue is in Danish with English subtitles and English voiceover narration and bullet-point slides. Available from the VOMA office voma@voma.org for $15 plus shipping.
Victim-Offender Mediation Video
- "Beyond Conviction" tells the moving story of three crime victims on a journey towards healing. The film follows participants in a pioneering program run by the state of Pennsylvania in which victims of the most violent crimes meet face-to-face with their perpetrators. Beyond Conviction provides a rare glimpse into the lingering pain, questions and regrets for both victims and perpetrators and reveals the bold and difficult path to redemption. A Tied to the Tracks film. Beyond Conviction is available for $99.95 from www.beyondconviction.com.
- "Reweaving the Fabric of Community" (22 minutes), produced by Mediation Network of North Carolina and the Mountain Dispute Settlement Center, 1999. An overview of how to set up a victim-offender mediation program, including key elements: court buy-in, referral sources, benefits to victims and offenders. Cost: $20, from Mediation Network of North Carolina, P.O. Box 241, Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0241, 919/929-6333.
- "The Visionaries, Part 1" (28 minutes), produced by Public Broadcasting System and the National Association for Community Mediation, 1999. The first part of this documentary on community mediation features the victim-offender mediation program of The Mediation Center, Asheville, North Carolina. It includes interviews with court officials, offenders and their families, the victim, and the program coordinator. For copies, contact The Mediation Center, 189 College St., Asheville, NC 28801, 828/251-6089.
Restorative Justice Videos
- "Restoring Justice" (51 minutes), produced by the Presbyterian Church, USA for the National Council of Churches. A thorough overview of RJ philosophy and sample practices in Oregon, Minnesota, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania. Divided into three sections, looking at victims, offenders, and communities. A good combination of theory and practice. Interviews with Howard Zehr, Mark Umbreit, Kay Pranis, Dennis Maloney, among others. May be long for audiences with short attention spans, but worth it to get the big picture of RJ. Cost: $5 plus shipping and handling, from PC-USA, 800/524-2612 (PDS#72-630-96-720)
- "Restorative Justice: Making Things Right" (22 minutes), produced by the Mennonite Central Committee. A short, powerful explanation of the philosophical and Biblical underpinnings of restorative justice, and contrasted to the goals of retributive justice. Interviews with Howard Zehr, Dave Worth, Dave Gustafson, Ron Claassen, state officials, among others. A great primer for explaining the concept of RJ to those who know little about it. Cost: $20, from MCC, 717-859-3889 or mcs@mccus.org.
- "Restorative Justice: Beyond Just Us" (22 minute version or a condensed 12 minute version), produced by the Colorado Forum on Community and Restorative Justice. A well-rounded picture of restorative justice principles and practices in many applications. Particularly good for secular audiences. Cost: $10.00 plus shipping and handling; call 720-904-2322 or email info@coloradorestorativejustice.org.
Still a good combination of theory and sample practices, although not as comprehensive as the 51-minute video. Great for an introduction to RJ. Cost: $50, plus shipping and handling, from the Center for Restorative Justice and Mediation,
- The Center for Restorative Justice and Mediation, University of Minnesota, has six videos available on their website. They can be contacted at 612/624-4923 or ctr4rjm@che2.che.umn.edu. Cost is $20 each, or all six for $100.The titles are:
- Restorative Justice: For Victims, Communities, and
- Restorative Justice: Victim Empowerment through Mediation
and Dialogue
- An Overview of Victim Offender Mediation and Conferencing
- Victim Offender Mediation and Conferencing: A Multi-Method
- Complete Victim Offender Mediation and Conferencing
Training: Modeling 2 Cases from Preparation to Mediation
- Victim Sensitive Offender Dialogue in Crimes of Severe
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